Saturday, January 10, 2015

Solutions Beneficial to Our Clients and the Community

At Rabin we specialize in finding solutions that not only work for the seller; but we also try to find the best solution for the buyer as well as the community where the business resides.  Such was the case with the Catalyst Paper Mill in Snowflake, Arizona that closed in August 2012.  Since the company did not want the facility to be used as a paper mill in the future, all of the equipment would need to be liquidated. 

Our job was further complicated by a landfill with environmental liabilities and 45 miles of railroad track that had contributed to the economic growth of the community impacted by the closing of the paper mill.  To provide solutions for all concerns, Rabin purchased the property that contained the paper mill, the equipment, machinery and vehicles, the 19,000 acres of grazing land, the landfill and the industrial acreage. 

We sold a portion of the land and the landfill to an adjacent neighbor as well as held a successfully auction for the equipment, vehicles, and machinery.  In addition, we worked with the town and the railroad to come to terms on an agreement that would continue to provide the town of Snowflake services for low-cost transportation of freight.  The final piece of the project was to work with the local water district to discover ways to maximize the 19,000 acres of land.   

This is one example of the Rabin difference.  By building on our decades of experience in equipment auctions and appraisals, we can specifically target manufacturing plants and facilities as well as the equipment and processing lines, and any surplus, new/unused, rebuilt, and used/second hand equipment.  Our comprehensive services include auctioning the equipment as well as repositioning the real estate.

Rabin is an international company that specializes in creating liquidity for complex manufacturing facilities with idle or marginally productive assets.  Our operations include selling entire plants, multiple plant locations, or surplus individual items by auction or liquidation and much more. Rabin Worldwide is headquartered in San Francisco with a European subsidiary office in Manchester, United Kingdom.

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