Tuesday, November 18, 2014

An Environmentally Responsible Way to Recycle Equipment

It may not have occurred to you but auctions are an environmentally-friendly service.  They offer an efficient way to keep functioning machinery and equipment out of landfills, and instead, get it into the hands of companies who need it.  Large, well-established companies can get rid of their older equipment in a cost-effective manner by selling it to make room for new, up-dated pieces.  Smaller companies or start-ups benefit by having an opportunity to purchase equipment they could never afford to buy brand-new. 

At auction a new company may be able to buy a complete production line or purchase their first pieces of manufacturing equipment to get the business started.  Sometimes companies only use the equipment until they have the means to purchase new or newer used equipment.  This cycle of companies selling off their older equipment to purchase new or newer used equipment keeps it out of landfills while it is still operational.  Often a piece of machinery may be sold several times over before it has outlived its usefulness.
Even once a piece of machinery is no longer operational or becomes obsolete, auctions provide a method for selling unusable equipment for scrap metal.  The metal is extracted from the machinery and then sold to refineries to be recycled into new products or building materials, thus continuing the recycling process.

We invite you to visit the Rabin website and take a look at our current auction listings that are comprised of a wide range of industries.  Also be sure to check back frequently as we are always updating our inventory of equipment and machinery.  In addition if you have surplus equipment to sell, please contact us for a free confidential consultation.

Rabin is an international company that specializes in creating liquidity for complex manufacturing facilities with idle or marginally productive assets.  Rabin’s operations include selling entire plants, multiple plant locations, or surplus individual items by auction or liquidation and much more. Past auctions include names such as Hostess, Braniff Airlines, Montgomery Ward, and the Railway Express Agency.  

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